I broke my back molar a while back. I didn’t do anything about it because I am unemployed and running short on money. This last week things started to go downhill. The area from my mouth has started swelling up my cheek. I tried to take some antibiotics I had at home. It helped for a little while but now things are getting worse again. A friend told me that I need a root canal treatment, but I just don’t have the money. Is it as serious as she implied?
Dear Avery,
I am sorry you are going through this. There are few feelings worse than not being able to take care of your needs, especially when they are serious. The truth is your friend is right, you have an infected tooth. You’ve already noticed that antibiotics will not solve your problem. All they can do is temporarily hold the infection at bay.
There are only two ways to truly deal with a tooth infection. The first is with a root canal treatment. This is the preferred solution because it means you will be able to save your tooth. The other option is to extract the tooth. While that works, you will want to replace the tooth sooner rather than later. This is because the other teeth will shift or tip into the empty space. Left like this, you could develop TMJ Disorder.
Your infection is spreading. What you do not want is to allow a dental infection to turn into a life threatening one. People do still die from tooth infections.
I realize you are in a tough spot right with your finances. You may try doing an internet search for an affordable dentist. Many of them are compassionate. In the case of a true dental emergency like yours, they may be willing to give you the treatment needed to get you out of danger and then allow you to pay out the treatment.
This blog is brought to you by Enfield Dentist Dr. William Cummiskey.